I'm back ^^ Did you guys missed me?
Anyway I apologize for my long absent for I was busy and also lacking in material to post. But after clearing some dust it seems I do have a number of items left to be reviewed.
Well before those reviews, now I want to post something that happened today. BruNerf Wars Ops: Battle of the Palms.
For those who dont know what Nerf is, you guys can check it out from my label Nerf of just click here.
The event was organized by BruNerf. A group of enthusiastic Brunei who love Nerf. To know more and/or join BruNerf click here. It was held at the abandoned jogging area at Jerudong Park. These are some of the pictures I took during the event.
These are the first groups I saw at the event.
These guys are the veterans of the event. Well geared up for the battle and came in a large numbers.
These guys are from the Hordez Resistance and Gears N.P.M.C

Photo session before the battle.

I was standing from a bad angle so I had to retake another shot to cover the entire group.
That kid is holding a Styrofoam board, using it as a riot shield. Good idea.
In that hut below is the gathering point for the Nerf Tactical Force or N.T.F.

And these guys are the Black Death Unit or B.D.U
Since I have no group of my own, I was assigned to the the B.D.U. A bunch of great guys.
These are the pictures taken during the battle. I was only able to take from a distance because I was nerf down so I had to sit still.
The picture above was taken during the "Capture the Flag" battle. A very formidable defense line. They totally outnumbered us.
Kids also enjoyed playing Nerf without the fear of getting hurt from being shot.
A quick briefing before the next battle "Capture the HQ"
Taken during "Team Deathmatch" between the Hordez Resistance and B.D.U. We were defeated due to the overwhelming number of opponent.
Well thats all the pictures I took during the event before leaving early due to the bad weather.
Well thats all for today.
Hope you guys enjoyed it.
Anyway I apologize for my long absent for I was busy and also lacking in material to post. But after clearing some dust it seems I do have a number of items left to be reviewed.
Well before those reviews, now I want to post something that happened today. BruNerf Wars Ops: Battle of the Palms.
For those who dont know what Nerf is, you guys can check it out from my label Nerf of just click here.
The event was organized by BruNerf. A group of enthusiastic Brunei who love Nerf. To know more and/or join BruNerf click here. It was held at the abandoned jogging area at Jerudong Park. These are some of the pictures I took during the event.
These are the first groups I saw at the event.
These guys are the veterans of the event. Well geared up for the battle and came in a large numbers.
These guys are from the Hordez Resistance and Gears N.P.M.C

Photo session before the battle.

I was standing from a bad angle so I had to retake another shot to cover the entire group.

In that hut below is the gathering point for the Nerf Tactical Force or N.T.F.

And these guys are the Black Death Unit or B.D.U

These are the pictures taken during the battle. I was only able to take from a distance because I was nerf down so I had to sit still.

Well thats all the pictures I took during the event before leaving early due to the bad weather.
Well thats all for today.
Hope you guys enjoyed it.