31 May 2009

Katana 101 Part 3

Well these are not katanas but I label it cause katana means sword in japanese so lets just leave it that way.

This one I have problems with. I have no idea from which anime it is and I'm not even sure if this is a sword to begin with. So I need your help to identify this sword.

I'll put it on my table so you can see it clearly.

Doesnt look like a sword huh?

Now the next one is Reneissance Europe favourite weapon, the rapier.

En Guard!

Well its not from Europe but made here in our beloved country Brunei. It's a letter opener. I bought it from a souvenir shop.

Now a group photo of all my mini katanas/swords.

Wonder what will I get next for my collection.

Next collection... Should it be 1:1 katana or tinier katanas. Lets just wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I saw your site today. Mind if we exchange banner? my traffic is good

